Not bad for my first corset. I have wanted to make a corset since I first began seriously sewing but was too chicken. In fact, it was this exact pattern that first fired my imagination. I was loaned a catalog of Saundra Altman's Past Patterns and drooled over them for a very long time but knew I wasn't skilled (patient, really) enough to tackle anything in there, and it wasn't for many years that I had $50 to spend on something that might go terribly wrong.
I'm happy to say, I completed my first corset and it was a marvelous project. Ironically, I became pregnant soon after it's completion and that was that. It's OK though because I made the corset directly from the kit and did not correctly measure my back-to-waist length and so it never fit very well. Too long of a corset tends to shove your boobs up (this is great) and out at weird angles (not so great).
Aside from the bad fit, this corset is very comfy to wear. It has only three bones per side and so is pretty flexible. The hardest part for me was putting in the gores (the little triangle insertes on the bust and hips that make the corset flare out). Took awhile to figure out.
Keep in mind that the dress form is not flexible so it's hard to get an 100% visually correct interpretation of how this corset fits and shapes.
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